CPS offers content enrichment services to improve the discoverability of content on publisher platforms and search engines. Enhanced content with enriched metadata also helps in monetizing the content of books and journals with chapter- and article-level download.
Abstracting Services
Abstracts created as per ANSI/NISO guidelines, publisher guidelines, and editorial style guides such as Chicago Manual of Style, American Psychological Association (APA), and Modern Language Association (MLA) have a significant impact on publishability, which potentially leads to new research vistas.
SEO-Friendly Summaries
- Concise, Keyword-rich, SEO-friendly summaries for book chapters and journal articles can help better Google indexing and discoverability of content as snippets in Google search.
- Based on the structure of the content, indicative and informative summaries can be generated.
Structured Abstracts: IMRaD (Introduction, Methods, Results, and Discussion) Format for Scholarly Research and Experimental Studies
- PUBMED-compliant structured abstracts are mainly used for medical content, facilitating quick peer review and evidence-based search for clinical queries.
Plain-Language Summaries: Summaries in Plain English for Clinical Research Output and Scholarly Articles in STM, HSC, and Legal Domains
- Plain-language summaries, also called lay summaries, for clinical trial results are a regulatory requirement as per European Union clinical trial regulation for pharmaceutical companies and Clinical trial sponsors.
- Plain-language summaries can also be used for journal articles to increase their reach from domain-specific audience to general readers.
Legal Abstraction: Summaries for Legal Depositions, Court Cases, Lease Documents, Contracts, and Mortgage Documents
- Scrutinizing legal documents is a time-consuming process involving voluminous pages of content with legalese terminologies.
- Legal Abstracts can extract legal entities and present the cases in short summaries outlining the key legal issues involved and outcomes of judicial decisions.
Patent Abstraction: Summaries for Patents Capturing the Novelty and Usefulness of the Innovation
- Patent abstracts are used in prior art search, identifying trends in patent landscape reviews across different fields of innovation and claims analysis for patent infringement studies.
Multimedia Abstraction: Transcription and Summaries for Audio Video Content
- Transcripts and summaries can be generated for podcasts, conference proceedings, and surgical procedure videos with time stamps, and indexed with keywords.
Indexing Services
Keyword Indexing: Keywords Extracted from Content to Reflect the Key Tropics and Concepts Discussed in a Document
- Keyword indexing can help in identifying related content for articles by grouping articles by keywords.
- Can help in generating topic collections and better precision in search results.
Controlled Indexing: Indexing Using Domain-Specific Controlled Vocabularies for Subject Classification and Semantic Linkages
Medical Indexing
Indexing of medical content using globally used terminological standards such as International Classification of Diseases (ICD), Systemized Nomenclature of Medicine (SNOMED CT), Logical Observation Identifiers Names and Codes (LOINC), and Current Procedural Terminology (CPT). Medical indexing helps to integrate content into the clinical decision-making tools and Electronic Health Records (EHS) systems.
Special Purpose Indexing
Indexing and filtering content for the current and emerging focus areas such as Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), Diversity, and Equity and Inclusion (DEI). Ethically responsible and socially conscious content has been gaining more importance since the UN declaration of Sustainable Development, Goals and Adherence to Diversity, and Equity and Inclusion Principles in representing content.

Smart Content Services: Modeling and Structuring Domain-Specific Knowledge in the Form of Taxonomy, Thesaurus, and Linked Data Vocabularies
- This could help guide navigation of content on publisher platforms and better discoverability and exploration of content to provide a complete knowledge discovery environment.
- Serve to create learning materials and consumer-friendly content for web portals. Content silos can be sliced and diced to create new information products.
Content Repurposing Services
Discovery Services for Libraries and Online Platforms for Books
Consist in coding metadata using Marc, ONYX, KBART, and thema classification for cataloguing, access, and delivery in libraries and online trade platforms for books and other information products.